? ??????????????Orchid? ????? ?? ???Rating: 2.9 (40 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 1522 Total Grabs. ??????Previ
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

sardine day..

oh.. can u imagine?? 6 persons in a KANCIL..

today, as usual my friend fetched me to school.. 4 of us sat in the kancil.. ok.. still alright..

then, after class, he said 2 of his friends were goin to follow his car also.. oh gosh.. it's like 6 persons in a KANCIL!!!! moreover, all boys except me(who has a boy size too hehe..)..

thus, my friend had to off his air- cond while driving because the KANCIL cannot move..

today.. besides human, i became a sardine too.. what a great experience.. haha..