? ??????????????Orchid? ????? ?? ???Rating: 2.9 (40 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 1522 Total Grabs. ??????Previ
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Saturday, February 21, 2009


today, my dad decided to bring us to a western restaurant- 'JAKE'S CHARBROIL STEAK' for dinner.. actually we wanted to go there long ago but because of the price.. we were always reluctant to go.. but, today, my dad says since he will be goin to Oman soon so he brought us there..

as we expected, it's quite expensive.. 4 persons about rm300++..

after dinner we went home.. and my dad came into my room and talked to me.. about half an hour..

he says, the reasons why he decided to go Oman.. besides for our education, he also wanted to have a honey moon with my mum.. (today, only i knew that they didnt have their honey moon after they married due to some economy probs last time) and my dad is very regret about it..

besides, he told me actually he knew that my mum cried silently almost every night since he decided to go Oman.. this is because this period will be the longest period that they will be staying apart from each other since the day they know each other approximately 25 years ago..

then, my dad also told me some of his experience in life last time.. actually my grandma told me before(but my dad didnt know) about what my dad had overcome when he was young.. (it's not good to mention it here).. what i can conclude about that is he did not get much love from my grandpa.. then during teenager age, he had to earn a living for his family edi.. and in US, he has to earn a living for his studies as well.. and now, he is edi 45 years old.. he still have to worry about his children's education, try to give his best to us..

he really gains my salutation..

i dunno how he knows that im very worried about my spm results nowadays(or maybe he is just guessing).. he told me not to worry so much about my results.. what is over, jsut leave it in the past.. however, the more he asked me not to worry, the more i worry..

he also advised me not to be so lembik anymore.. always get bullied by ppl.. for example, once, i told him that my friend who fetches me to school smokes.. he asked me to tell them at least not to smoke when there is passenger in the car.. but til now, i still dont have the guts to tell my friend.. i really have to learn..

that's the few things i remembered about our talk..

nowadays, i really have no one to talk to.. i have not much time to talk on the phone with my friends.. thus the only place i can pour out my feelings is my blog..