? ??????????????Orchid? ????? ?? ???Rating: 2.9 (40 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 1522 Total Grabs. ??????Previ
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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Eventful Day!

One pleasant Thursday, I went to class as usual, was expecting to get my calc quiz results in class. It was badly done but yet I still wanted to get it, I want to face the fact for the first time. Our lecturer told us that we can check our marks on BB7 and she would return the papers to us the next day. So after class, went to library and checked. Okay, expected. It's terrible! Nobody to put the blame on except on myself. Im getting closer and closer to the C again or maybe it will be worse this time. My mind was disturbed. Task one: check calc quiz results accomplised.

Task Two: My friend had lost his pen drive recently in library. So I lent him my pen drive to copy the files while I was checking my results. After copying, he left and I continued staring at the comp screen, calculating how many % I have lost in this sub. Then, after calculating and calculating, (as if the more I calculate, my marks will go up higher and higher), I finally left the library (note: without my pen drive).

Walked all the way to Papparich and we were waiting at there for physics lab in main campus. Then, another friend of mine claimed that he left some stuff in library and he had to walk back all the way to ADP to get it. Cruel me, I was teasing him that time. Then after a while, FINALLY, I noticed that my pen drive wasn't with me. haha, my turn to walk back all the way to ADP library to get it. Reached the entrance of library, snapppppp, I didnt bring my student ID! (Im so not going to walk back to PappaRich adn get my student ID and walk back to library to get my pen drive and walk back to main campus for lab). Im not going to do that! So, I asked my friend to go into the library and searched for it. haha, it's gone! my pen drive is gone!